Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Book Thrower!

What makes us who we are? What joins us together to complete a sentence handed down from the book thrower that says this is your lot so stick with it. No escape from tunnels dug deep into the sediments of toiled soil long past turned to rock that's never going to avail itself to become rubble we wish was behind us. Keep digging and searching for the fools gold in pans filled with the joy that sends feet skyward and a body in fast pursuit.

If only riches were fast pertainable and many to be had by those that wish for less work for best returns and a place in history that the royalties only ancestors gain. Love me now for who I am and who you wish me to be and think not of who I sometimes appear to be. If the joy I bring is a fleeting gift, let the jester in me be the one you cherish for all mans time, and let that time last for exactly the length of the strings in the history of theory.

Copyright (c) Robyn Whittaker. 2010

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