(DISCLAIMER!) I am un happy to report that my blog site page address is experiencing regular visits from those darling little Gremlins, and it has had me nearly tearing my hair out as at times when i try to edit and publish my work the dates and times have been wrong. Recently today i have been trying make some corrections and even add extra thoughts to stories to ensure that they are thoughtfully edited and publishable. In the process you may have noticed errors and punctuation mistakes that even after being revised and spellchecked were still incorrect. for eg... I would notice something i spelt wrong or that i had accidentally omitted like the copyright notice on the written piece, and to my horror when i went to edit behind the scenes, it would load my working page with the first half done and unedited draft, VERY FRUSTRATING!!! Also you may notice that the mommie dearest story is now on top of the latest story and god forbid i will not go in today and try and change it again for fear of sitting here for another hour retyping work that i had already completed. It says Wednesday the 6th on it but of course it should read the 8th. So the story about the Olympics is of course supposed to be the latest and on top, but it can stay where it is! I will get onto the blogger team for a solution in the near future and try to re instill some calm to my person with a cup of chamomile and a lie down. If you did not notice any of these mistakes and indiscrepencies then great, but if you did i am sorry for looking like i don't even know where the spell check button is and a lack of punctuation knowledge. All the rest is me taking artistic licence to it's limit. xxx Banksy
Amiable brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
Opulently I agree but I dream the collection should have more info then it has.
very useful read. I would love to follow you on twitter.
missbanks-robyn.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.
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