Suddenly all of us in the unit looked through this window that could see the ocean, and to my horror I saw a wall of water coming straight for the unit complex. The wave was just seconds from engulfing us and I was amazingly still wondering like a fool whether or not it was a part of this opening ceremony.
In a split second later the reality kicked in as the killer wave reached our building, and just before it engulfed us I started to panic and said “Oh my God what’s happening?” The guys were panicked but sat on what seemed like a bed from what I can remember, and we all huddled together and at that moment the wave hit the building. I realized that I might die at this moment and it was a deeply shocking realization, at that moment I said “I think we are going to die” I thought of my mother in that pavilion with her friends and how I may never see her again, it was an awful feeling and I will never forget it. As we were being engulfed by this wave, it sounded like we were in a tunnel but the roar was somewhat dulled. It was obviously a dream, because even though some water came through the window we had been looking through, none of us were harmed after the wave had passed. The successive waves eventually petered out eventually and the building was left standing. I was amazed to be still alive and we all were shaken but relieved it was over. As we directed our gaze back to the TV, the true tragedy and devastation was all too apparent. Thousands had been killed and many more were lost at sea and chaos prevailed. The shock was starting to set in and all I could think was where my mother was and how could I find her. Sheer Terror is the only way I can describe the feeling when it occurred to me that I may never see her again. I rang her number but no answer and tried to think of a way to get to her. My eyes kept going back to the TV as now news programs were all frantically trying to get the story out to the masses. They were reporting many deaths and were investigating whether it was a natural or man made disaster, which I thought was odd. I rang as many people I knew to see if they were ok but strangely not Gus. Maybe because he was out of town and I may have just known he was safe, but then I would have thought I would have wanted to speak with him. I went outside and the place was deserted, with the odd person here and there crying, wet and looking lost. All of a sudden my mother turned up in front of me and I was extremely excited and elated, amazed she was there standing in front of me alive and well. I hugged her and cried and thanked the universe for bringing her back to me.
Eventually Gus called and he was very happy to hear my voice and that I was ok and not hurt. Then all of a sudden I was sitting out watching what looked like a park out on a bed on a balcony or verandah, I think mum was there for a bit and I was crying recounting my story and then just in a flash she was gone and I was alone watching a very different scene.
A man was climbing some wall and he seemed almost robotic as he scaled it, looking straight ahead. As this man climbed, the wall changed and though it was still a smallish partition, it seemed to be made from something more natural. Another of these similar looking soldiers (slightly medieval looking) climbed this wall and he seemed to be fashioning it into something else until it became a tree. It was beautiful to watch but a bit scary as well. There was like a line of these walls and soldiers that turned their walls into trees and this happened in front of me 40 meters into the distance and they each were separated by about 2 or 3 meters of grass between each tree wall. It was beautiful to watch to say the least, a bit like the time laps beauty of the movie Time Machine. The park and the surrounding buildings seemed to transform into a field before my eyes. The men appeared to be morphing completely into what they would have looked like if they were back in the days of Robin Hood; maybe earthly saviors come to help us bring our earth back to a more natural state. The Nightmare/Dream ended.
Copyright © Robyn Whittaker 2008.
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