For the first time in my whole life, I can actually say with all honesty I am starting to understand what happiness is in all its glory and I am learning daily the skills and the art of keeping it. I have suffered over the years with many bouts of depression and a feeling of unhappy hopelessness and have only recently re-emerged from my last sojourn into that land of barren dry and desolate despair, constantly covered with dark clouds that tease with promise of release but void of replenishing rains. Part of the secret to finding, keeping and building your inner happy, is giving it freely to others, because what you give out comes back to you in time. Every seed of this type with the water of your hope filled tears will grow, maybe not as quick as you want to see these results, but grow it will. And in time from those desolate plains of barren earth you will produce a tree filled with the fruits of your love, and those that deserve your fruit will sit with you and enjoy the offerings of your happiness. Before you know it, those around you will see your tree and want to plant one too and so on and so on until the desert that once surrounded you will transform into an orchard for the family and friends you love.
Don't get me wrong, part of this process is learning who to keep and who to leave well alone, to go off and walk their path with or without you. You can only try and be there for people, if they aren’t right for you and grate on your happy nerve, send them packing to find their own plot of land and learn to till its soil.
Too many times I was on auto pilot being Miss Florence Nightingale helping anyone and everyone all the while forgetting that to really be effective in helping and supporting others, you first need to help yourself and love your self unconditionally and be your own best friend. It has taken me a long time to put all of those pieces together and we never stop learning and like all human beings, I also am not perfect. The only way to rise above those less than wise choices both from the past or new ones on the way, is to never live in regret over them and just try to accept that we are the end result of every choice we make and can always try to do better next time.
Copyright © Robyn Whittaker. 2011.
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