Our hopes lay with the collective that still hold dear to the best of a past era. The ones that know that to gain the most, we must first give of ourselves. I see so many now that are determined to make front page at any cost and to hell with the consequences and who it hurts in the process. When did we stop teaching our children that what we give out we get back? Cause and affect still rules the world and consequences or not, we will find our way. It is inevitable that we will be forced to see the error of our ways, cherish ourselves, and on all fronts I hope for a kinder and more understanding race. The Titanic sank, and the unsinkable was lost and man was forced to learn from mistakes that were made. And just like that ship, the evolution of mans selfishness will also find the bottom of its ocean. We will in time see that everything has a price and everything finds its centre, and whether we like it or not survival is an instinct the human race cannot escape. D-day is upon us and we wish we still had time to evaluate the misgivings that have been spread across our earth.
I will go to my grave knowing that I tried to improve the position of others and help my fellow man, while in the process I learnt to help myself. I also will go to my grave regretting a few things that I allowed myself to fall prey to, including jealousy, anger and misguided pride. I fear that we may never learn what we need to know right now and though many are trying to warn us, few are listening. What an amazing yet incredibly stupid race we are at times, to have so much beauty at our finger tips yet as much destruction as the legacy left in our wake. If all is lost we are and will always be a beautiful miss conception on our creators’ conscience. Who or what ever created us, must stand in awe of our ability to do the worst thing imaginable to something that I am sure could only ever be seen as a gift. A blue shining gem spinning in space and time, that for a split second in the scheme of things was a hope full bequeath to a human race that at various moments, does not know what it does.
Robyn Whittaker. Copyright (c) 2011
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