Australia is a land of plenty and a land of weather extremes, fire, flood, droughts and storms that can whip the coast like a mistress who knows no mercy. We have over the centuries come to know it's ups and downs, ins and outs, and for the most part we accept that this is our wonderful yet at times gut wrenching island home. Some say that we are experiencing the global effects of our wayward ways of too much greed with our natural resources, while others say it is just how nature is regardless of human excess.
I think we all sense what is happening here, deep down we all know the piper is coming for payment due. Nothing is for free, even when it seems the cost is an IOU, we all pay eventually. Even the breath we breathe takes a toll on our human bodies, and oxygen starts the rust that cell by cell begins our rot. The best we can do is try to treat our bodies well, and the same should go for the planet on which we live. We all know what happens when we stuff our bodies with a life of excess, so why would we expect it would be any different for our living earth. Hiding behind a fear of a dwindling bottom line from green conversion, stops many of us from taking the steps to drastic change needed if we are to ever turn the tide on a planet in pain.
I believe Mother Nature will continue to visit us with her fury in greater ferocity each year, until we heed the warnings and co-exist with this planet and each other in total respect. We are changing for the better and evolving to be more accepting of our differences, but what good will any of this be if we destroy our only human home.
Copyright © Robyn Whittaker. 2011
I guess you will want to put a facebook button to your site. Just bookmarked this article, but I had to complete it by hand. Just my $.02 :)
Well I will look into that, sorry I have been a bit slack with updating my site and have been just using it as a place to keep my work. Will endeavour to make it more user friendly soon. xxx Banksy
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