Living on the edge of dark clouds that bring occasional rain is how we are seen by some. Instead of our rainbow, they only see storm clouds gathering, and with bated breath they wait and anticipate where next lightning may strike.
To say that it is right that only one type of person is entitled to certain liberties afforded to many and stolen from some, is surely the hares way to run. And soon, perhaps even sooner than you think, hard-shelled instructors of steady sure pace will one day win the seemingly failed chase. Futures full of children will change the wrongs to rights, not all at once I guess, but time will tell a new tale.
Marriage between anyone for whom it pleases will seem oh so very "normal" by then, so much so that a yawn is the only protest you may get. Will you marry for Love, maybe money or pleasure? Why not combine the three? After all, some have had centuries to work this out and look what is happening to that. Gender and sexuality will be something of which we blend and bend, shaping them to our heart and souls desire. No human fear will be leading a charge against what is finally realised as nature’s way. And the earth will still revolve around its sun, inevitably gaining heat on every new go round. And occasionally the future will take a look back as they do today, and with a beat in their hearts and relief on their brow they might say, "Wow! What a weird lot".
Copyright (c) Robyn Whittaker. 2010.
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