I even received an abusive phone call from Sean Ryan, the manager of Nova, yelling down the phone at me about my Blog ...."What is this rubbish you have written about me, saying that my apology was insincere?!!!" What apology Sean?! If you are apologising for offense that may have been caused you are only apologising for my own perception of what you are saying I perceived as offensive and not taking responsibility for actually being offensive, not to mention breaking vilification laws. You may have come down in the last one mate but this gal was a few showers before that I can assure you. I was amazed that after everything this lot had done to attack the Trans community, he thought he would ring me and berate me like a child for employing my right to defend my kind with free speech on my own Blog site. After calling him back when he hung up on me, he ended the next conversation with a threat to take legal action against me for harassment! Yeah right! go ahead, do your worst, I will gladly stand up in any court in Australia and give this issue the Media attention it deserves on your behaviour in regards to picking on a minority with reckless abandon. You lot are nothing more than a pack of glorified schoolyard bullies that have spread prejudice and have encouraged our youth and the wider community to despise and discriminate against the Trans community. Your on air handy work has the potential to cause loose canons in the community to commit hate crimes on anyone that you dictate is not worthy of respect and fair treatment. You need to be stopped from this irresponsible vile form of banal entertainment and as far as I am concerned this sort of broadcast is the reason that school kids, (one of your largest listening groups) commit heinous hate filled bullying attacks that they film and upload to what ever medium suits there sick minds, to fulfill a desire to physically and verbally abuse other kids they deem as under them.
Even after trying to get Nova to realise what they have done, Sean tried to stage manage with Q-News an alleged apology to the LGBT community..(Strangely that same apology was not sent to Qld Pride to print)... Meshel Lorry (spelling is intended) had sent Qld Pride a scathing attack on me accusing me of not having any sense of humour! Meshel you are seriously twisted if you think any of that broadcast was funny, and dear I don't give a flying duck wing if you worked in a brothel with Trans women you have no right to attack and ridicule Trans people. Your about to give birth any day now apparently, and what a revolting attitude to have when your about to become the mother of twins. Lets just hope you don't have to deal with anything other then the gender they are born with as I would guess you would be a real treat of a mother to them with that sense of humour. Yes you cleaned up your act at the end of that braodcast only when you realised that it had gone too far. Q-"News" was so certain you were steering the conversation in the right direction all the way through but you and I know that is not the truth, and anyone else that heard it on the day or during the week that it was left up on the Nova website, and those that hear it in the future will get to know you for who you really are, someone with a very twisted and sick sense of humour who thinks it is ok to vilify and persecute the transgender community!
Here is the link to the story that you can find on Qld Pride online and soon I will be posting my responses to Meshels attacks on my sense of humour!
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