Friday, November 27, 2009

After sending in another two complaints about Transphobia and vilification on the Nova airwaves, the first of 3 being on the 26th with the Lady Ga Ga comments, I received after each complaint, response letters in the form of a legal jargon laden "we are sorry your offended but we don't believe we were offensive" style replies. Over the last few weeks I have been trying to get Nova to admit they were in the wrong and did in fact broadcast damaging vilification and Transphobia on the radio again on the 3rd and the 9th of Nov and get them to apologies in writting and on air directly to the Trans community, to no avail.

I even received an abusive phone call from Sean Ryan, the manager of Nova, yelling down the phone at me about my Blog ...."What is this rubbish you have written about me, saying that my apology was insincere?!!!" What apology Sean?! If you are apologising for offense that may have been caused you are only apologising for my own perception of what you are saying I perceived as offensive and not taking responsibility for actually being offensive, not to mention breaking vilification laws. You may have come down in the last one mate but this gal was a few showers before that I can assure you. I was amazed that after everything this lot had done to attack the Trans community, he thought he would ring me and berate me like a child for employing my right to defend my kind with free speech on my own Blog site. After calling him back when he hung up on me, he ended the next conversation with a threat to take legal action against me for harassment! Yeah right! go ahead, do your worst, I will gladly stand up in any court in Australia and give this issue the Media attention it deserves on your behaviour in regards to picking on a minority with reckless abandon. You lot are nothing more than a pack of glorified schoolyard bullies that have spread prejudice and have encouraged our youth and the wider community to despise and discriminate against the Trans community. Your on air handy work has the potential to cause loose canons in the community to commit hate crimes on anyone that you dictate is not worthy of respect and fair treatment. You need to be stopped from this irresponsible vile form of banal entertainment and as far as I am concerned this sort of broadcast is the reason that school kids, (one of your largest listening groups) commit heinous hate filled bullying attacks that they film and upload to what ever medium suits there sick minds, to fulfill a desire to physically and verbally abuse other kids they deem as under them.

Even after trying to get Nova to realise what they have done, Sean tried to stage manage with Q-News an alleged apology to the LGBT community..(Strangely that same apology was not sent to Qld Pride to print)... Meshel Lorry (spelling is intended) had sent Qld Pride a scathing attack on me accusing me of not having any sense of humour! Meshel you are seriously twisted if you think any of that broadcast was funny, and dear I don't give a flying duck wing if you worked in a brothel with Trans women you have no right to attack and ridicule Trans people. Your about to give birth any day now apparently, and what a revolting attitude to have when your about to become the mother of twins. Lets just hope you don't have to deal with anything other then the gender they are born with as I would guess you would be a real treat of a mother to them with that sense of humour. Yes you cleaned up your act at the end of that braodcast only when you realised that it had gone too far. Q-"News" was so certain you were steering the conversation in the right direction all the way through but you and I know that is not the truth, and anyone else that heard it on the day or during the week that it was left up on the Nova website, and those that hear it in the future will get to know you for who you really are, someone with a very twisted and sick sense of humour who thinks it is ok to vilify and persecute the transgender community!
Here is the link to the story that you can find on Qld Pride online and soon I will be posting my responses to Meshels attacks on my sense of humour!

LGBT-Party Engagement at Paliament House

Here is the story I wrote for the ATSAQ newsletter that was recently published about my visit to Queenslands Parliament House... I am currently in the process of putting together a Parliamentary E-Petition with Grace Grace as its parliamentary signatory to stop Transphobia in the media. Nova radio here in Brisbane is a good example of why this form of abuse needs to be stopped. Still no official apology to the Trans community, written or on air from Nova or Ben and the band of bullies that joined into his ridiculous banter about Trans women on the 3rd of Nov and I will not stop pursuing them for this written and on air apology and will be posting all of the developments on this issue in the near future.

What a difference a day makes to proceedings at the QLD Parliamentary community engagement and the BBQ that followed. History was made on Thursday night 29/10/09 at Parliament House, when members of the LGBT community were invited to an informal community engagement gathering with parliamentary representatives from all walks of politics. The Pollies were out in force and I was happy to be a part of a historic event that I very nearly missed. Around about 100 people from the LGBT community attended the event that was originally organized to include only those who had responded to the RSVP capped guest list. I had heard about this event through the GLBT press and also via word of mouth and was considering going along as one of the T-Girls from my crew to ensure T was not left off LGB. Unfortunately my usual last minute style nearly lost me the chance to visit the Brisbane Parliament House to get a good look at all of its members big and small. I had originally thought it was only the BBQ that was strictly RSVP and from what I could tell that was the impression most people had received from the PR being put out. It struck me during a week of Trans activism against transphobic media attacks, that this could be an opportunity to voice my concerns about the negative anti-Trans proper gander I was seeing and hearing in the media with my local member. I rang the number to make sure it was just the BBQ that was RSVP only to find out that I had missed the boat and was unable to attend this event, and was told that if I liked I could attend the next one. I explained that I really did want to attend and asked if there was anyone from the Trans community coming and was told that they were not sure but would get back to me. Even though it was to be informal it struck me as odd that they were not sure whether the capped guest list included representation from all members of the LGBT community and for a moment I thought I had lost my chance to attend this history making event. The next day I rang again and told the lady on the end of the phone that I really did want to come and that I was surprised that some gauge of who was attending was not in place. I know that it is not considered polite to ask certain questions of who or what people are but I wondered if it may have been wiser to ask people if there was a group that they identified with to gain a perspective of who was taking up the numbers in the capped guest list. It may sound like a silly idea but it does eliminate any chance of the guest list not representing all of the LGBT community that this event was trying to engage with.

As it turns out my wish was granted and thanks to a room change and a call from Paul Reynolds, I was added to the list and the cap was taken off to let extra guests in. Even the BBQ was opened up for all attendees and after a round of welcoming speeches and a few pats on the back of various dignitaries; we were being guided through the processes of accessing our members via the new look “Everyone’s Parliament” website. One notable pat on the back went to Dean Wells for his work on the original Gay and Lesbian law reform bill that as Grace Grace put it, made this night possible as a gathering like this would have been illegal 20 years ago. A marvelous achievement in many minds for most except for the fact that the Transgender section of this bill that had been tirelessly worked on , was cut out and abandoned at the last minute to get it over the line as it was put to me later in the evening. After all of the formal proceedings were over it was on to the BBQ part of the evening and then if you wished you could take a guided tour. The tour was excellent and was given by Paul Reynolds who I found to be very informative and friendly, his candid knowledge was filled with humorous anecdotes and stories that kept us all interested and amused.

Even though I had felt I had missed my chance to talk with my local member during the previous proceedings, I was later given an audience with Dean Wells when he wandered into the Legislative Council forum that my group was being shown through. Paul Reynolds introduced him and once again his achievements with Gay and Lesbian law reform was mentioned, and though I did not want to steal his thunder I did feel it was important to mention the tragedy of my communities omission from this law reform. I asked him why this had happened and though he seemed slightly deflated with my question he replied with some candor that it was what needed to be done to get the bill over the line. This may have made sense to many at the time and with those on that night within the walls of that room, but you could sense the realization of a missed opportunity when I asked him if this was the case then why did it take them 12 more years to rectify this issue and reinstate us to our rightful position. Dean Wells seemed a little lost for words for the one that spoiled what had seemed like a good record and began telling some story about a woman who was refused entry into a place for breast feeding her child. He recounted how he and his wife’s children were very young at the time and I guess he was alluding to the fact that the issues surrounding a woman’s right to breast feed in public also had to be dealt with. I was not trying to be rude or confrontational, I just wanted to keep it real and lend a voice to the countless Transgender people that had endured pain and suffering owing to the 12 years of being left in the wilderness with little recourse for legal protection. I quietly listened while he finished his story about the breast feeding woman and soon after he left. Paul Reynolds then went on to talk with others in the group and when I had a chance I said again that I understood that it may have seemed like the thing to do at the time and meant no offence but I did feel that 12 years was a long time to wait and was a shame. He said that it was once said that an opportunity delayed is an opportunity lost or something to that affect and then he said that he was not sure about that though being the case here, but I had to agree with this statement to some degree. I then went on to tell the story about a Blind Transgender with a Seeing Eye dog who only a few years before the 2003 law reform, was refused entry into a coffee shop because she was Transgender. At this time, her dog had more rights than her. Thanks to this delay in adding Transgender people to this law reform, her dog had the right to go in and enjoy the coffee shop but as a Transgender, she was refused entry. The idea that a human being had fewer rights than a dog seemed to put this delay in the perspective it deserved, and many of the faces in the group conveyed the shock that this story always generates. I am grateful for the work our Politicians have done for us and I hope will continue to do for us in the future.

I am in no way trying to discount the effort and time that goes into this work, but historically in the end this is how it was for our people and it is and always will be our history. To not speak up about this history would only be adding to its tragedy in my mind and speaking of our history and the stories that go with it helps to ensure that it never happens again. Even though in my opinion this night also was well overdue and its existence curiously was nowhere to be found on the Parliament website, overall the night was a fantastic opportunity for our community to engage with our Politicians and learn how to get involved with Parliament and its processes. They are only a website, email or a phone call away and are there to serve our community as well, so give your issues a voice and be heard. As a group of people it is up to us to keep up the fight for the right to fair treatment and equality, don’t ever accept Transphobia and discrimination.

Choose to come together cohesively with your community and continue the good work of those that have fought for the rights we already have. Remember that you are a powerful being with the strength to continue changing the world into a place that welcomes us all and accepts diversity as a natural expression of what it is to be human. Stand up and be counted for who you are and help work towards the fair and happy world you deserve.

Copyright © Robyn Whittaker. 2009.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Poor tasting Breakfast!

Well it seems that Radio Nova have decided to apologise for their poor taste!!! If that is the case, it would make alot of sense for them to apologise for all of their programing choices. Anyway after yet another week of Transgender bashing they assure me this is a one off occurrence and not discriminatory. Yeah right!!! Tuesday morning it was one of the Broco's turn to degrade and denigrate my community with his story about one of his ape like drunken buffoon mates over in Miami that apparently nearly walked out of a club with two trannies, as he put it he saved this guys life by telling his mate that they were blokes. Much laughter was shared amongst Meshell, Ash and the other fool with this Teo larakin for a full 5 mins of Transgender radio bashing...........OH yes radio Nova, it was only a one off occurrence! Poor taste! try hate based no taste!
And by the way, I rang Nova today to ask Morag one of the managers there if Nova supported the LGBT community and she said what does that stand for? And this is the same radio station that we hired Meshell from to compere our Gay Day at the Wickham....Wake up everyone, it is time to make sure that those that don't support us do not get access to our events or our dollars!
(Response letter is unable to be copied but I will find a way and it will be published soon.)

Here is my response to their predictable response...

Sean Ryan,
Thank you for your response regarding my complaint letter, I will now be contacting ACMA about this complaint as I do not accept your weak excuses for your announcer’s behaviour or your insincere apology. I will be taking this as far as it has to go and promise you that I will not stop until this behaviour is eradicated from your programming or anyone else’s for that matter. This is not acceptable behaviour and would not be tolerated if the comments were made in regards to any other minority, nor should it be acceptable.

I have evidence that this is not a one off occurrence and encourage you to look further into your own files before claiming such a false statement. Only this week your morning crew once again vilified Transgender people on your show and from what I know it was much worse than my complaint, so to claim that reasonable listeners would not pick up on this is complete rubbish. To also claim or insinuate that these comments were in some way light hearted and satirical because they were made during this style of show is not only offensive, it is ill informed and is based on ignorance.

Unfortunately for all concerned your response is not based on fact and to describe that this is a one off occurrence is untrue. If you look more closely into your programming you will find that this statement is false.

Robyn Whittaker