When will those in power stop fooling each other that this is not the case and start to face the facts. Just because it is not your personal preference does not mean you have the right to disempower a minority and dictate the terms of their partnerships. Equality is about treating all humans with dignity and respect, providing equal rights for all regardless of sexuality or gender and not about mans ongoing what’s next obsessional fear of burning in hell. Believe what you want to believe and find happiness in what you will, but do not disguise oppression of another in sanctimonious religious beliefs that benefit some, but if sanctioned too heavily ultimately denigrate and legally oppress others.
The sky will not fall if the gay community are granted the right to marry as has been proven in other places in the world. They came to their senses and realized the stupidity and stubbornness of outdated beliefs under pinning laws that hinder the happiness of others, and so too will those holding the keys in this country. The day is coming when it will be impossible to continue with the lie that some are more worthy than others to celebrate and legally bind their love, and the walls will continue to crumble brick by brick until we reach equality.
Apart from everything else, the financial windfall for those counting the coin that is generated from uniting a couple would be incredible and the wedding gift registers alone would surely leave them spinning. They only need consider just how extravagantly some in our community celebrate a big day, and you will witness the whole wedding industry on mass heading to Canberra to heavily lobby the change. A change that will bring equality for those with a love that does speak its name, who loudly demands the right to register it.
Copyright © Robyn Whittaker. 2011.