Monday, April 18, 2011

Beautiful Miss Conception.

What do I write when all has been said, I am not who I thought I would be. I am broken and I need the toy maker to mend me. What do we do when we realise that we are who we are far beyond repair and repose. I continue to hope for grander days filled with love and what I thought was mine to demand. Something worth similar to gold yet privately of my own valuation that instantly was seen and documented as an appraisal worthy of judgement. Yet it eludes me, and I am torn between the realisation that I have myself to blame and the reality that the ones that I choose will never give me the price I am worth. Why are we destined to continue and repeat the mistakes of our examples, the parents that brought us into this world, leaving us with a legacy that sometimes we wish we could escape. If only life was a simple as a guide book for dummies, we would surely excel and escape our traps and go forth and prosper. I once believed in love, I believe in love for the self while imparting love to others, but in this day and age they are not taught to give, only take. How does one find love with these values? I am sure there are a few who are different from this and I would hate to paint all with the same brush. Our hopes lay with the collective that still hold dear to the morals and manners of a past era. The ones that know that to gain the most we must first give of ourselves in a manner that is selfless to the point of no return. I see so many now that are determined to make front page at any cost and to hell with the consequences and who it hurts in the process. Does it matter who we hurt in our quest to gain what we want for ourselves? Yes it does, because the one we hurt the most is ourselves when we choose this path. When did we stop teaching our children that what we give out we get back? How can you bring up a child to destroy itself by slowly chipping away at its own virtues through another. I am so saddened by what I see and in spite of it I still believe we will go back to better times. It is inevitable that not unlike the obesity epidemic that is embracing the human race, we will be forced to see the error of our ways. The Titanic went down and they were forced to learn from those mistakes and this evolution of selfishness will also find the bottom of its ocean. We will in time see that everything has a price and everything finds its centre and whether we like it or not survival is an instinct the human race cannot escape. D day is upon us and we wish we still had time to evaluate the bullshit we have scattered over the earth, but time is not something of which we can waste any longer. Wake up from your collective dream states and rise up and save your children or even just yourselves if progeny is not your concern. You do not have to continue with the lie that all is OK and will continue UN-abated without recompense because our penance is coming in force. I will go to my grave knowing that I tried to help my fellow man and loved my inner desire to improve the position of others. I also will go to my grave regretting a few things that I allowed myself to fall prey to, including jealousy, anger and misguided pride. I fear that we may never learn what we need to know right now and though many are trying to warn us, few are listening. What an amazing yet incredibly stupid race we are, to have so much beauty at our finger tips and as much destruction as our legacy left in our wake. If all is lost we are and will always be a beautiful miss conception on our creators conscience, and that is not from a religious stand point. Who or what ever created us, must stand in awe of our ability to do the worst thing imaginable to something that I am sure could and can only ever be seen as a gift. A blue shining gem spinning in space and time, that for a split second in the scheme of things was a hope full bequeath to a human race that does not know what it does. Robyn Whittaker. copyright (c) 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011


You were born that way as the song says, and to hell with anyone who still holds onto conversional tactics and beliefs. In this world of colorful multi-faceted culture soaked melting pots, it still amuses me that some choose to hold onto so many outdated beliefs. The sky is not falling, and for the millionth time Chicken Little is running at lightning speed to escape an imaginary impact from something he so clearly does not understand. New inhabitants take charge of the chicken legs and find new skies to fear and at the end of the day we are left wondering what on earth all the fuss was about. Ignorance evolves with education and becomes understanding. The evolution of collective minds gains momentum and majority rule conquers a minority of fools who hold dear to stupid realities. As I have said before Gay marriage will eventually be something of which we take for granted and a yawn is the greatest protest you will get on this sort of announcement. I believe we are destined for universal acceptance from the majority of human kind and by the time this comes to pass; the rest of them will not deserve the virtues of our thoughts. Be who you are without exception and believe in who you are, because you were destined to come to this earth and stay here a while and find your own happiness. If the universe did not want you to exist, you would not be here. Hold onto this truth and go forth and multiply your happiness, to a level that no fools holding a pitchfork screaming lynch them could ever erode or destroy. They feel they have been ordained to leap your fence and judge your lawns and gardens, when clearly it is there own that is in need of tending. The only weeds needing a good pull are the ones that grow and become noxious when watered and fertilized with hate and prejudice, by those masquerading as good gardeners. I cringe when I see the vile behaviour of placard wielding holy people in the land of the red, white and blue, who feel it is there duty to act in a manner only fitting in the bowels of hell. We are a proud community and nothing and nobody with ill intention will change or turn the tide on what is surely going to be seen as our collective consummation and ongoing realization. We are family and a strong one at that, so be proud of the achievements so far because there are many more to come. Lastly I hope everyone had a fabulous Mardi Gra! Copyright © Robyn Whittaker. 2011-03-05.