I just want to alert you to your offensive discriminatory remarks regarding a transgender person residing in America. I was watching your show tonight and was shocked at your ignorance on this issue and blatant disregard for the damage your words have potentially done to my kind. You made these comments while interviewing that weird guy that acts like he has burned one too many brain cells through substance abuse, and on any other planet he would be given a very snug white jacket, placed in a soft room to reside in until the effects of his disorder went away and he has the hide to make light of my kind and see us as odd and weird, please spare me! How dare you both make fun of this transgender F2M and your words rove were, "thats not a man, that's a bearded freak" I once thought he was vaguely funny as well but even he is resorting to the last whipping horse for white male megalomaniac supremacists, you cant pick on Black, yellow, or brindle, disabilities, gays,,,, god what have you got left!!! or that's right lets flog the last one in the pile, the Transgender's because they are fair game in your minds. Don't get too comfortable it won't be for much longer I assure you. I have always been a fan of you and your show and I think you are very talented but please have a little respect for those in the GLBT community, as we no doubt would make up a great chunk of your viewing and supportive audience. No one is immune to loosing credibility as we all saw with Gordon Ramsey and you are no different, so it is never wise to disregard the effects of what you say on those that enjoy your sense of humour. I think your funny but come on you can do better than make fun of something you clearly do not understand or by the looks care to. Maybe you should concentrate on your unique brand of humour instead of looking for lazy cheap shots at sections of the community that do not need your sarcasm and ignorance packaged up as a laugh at our expense. Hey how would you feel if someone showed little respect for someone close to you or your existence and made fun of it like those vile ABC wankers that think it funny to make fun of children with terminal illnesses. Hey how about you do your self a favour and research what a Transgender is and realise that the person you made fun of has every right to call themselves a man even if he decided to give birth twice. That human action does not eliminate the fact that he is living his life now in the manner he feels makes him happy. When will you lot ever learn that gender is not dictated by two poles of reality and we all in some way fall somewhere in between male and female. None of us are either one or the other in exact proportions and you would be wise to try and go back to the intelligent humour that actually gained respect and laughter from all sections of the community, instead of getting all footy show and cracking cheap ignorant shots at sections of the community that need to be given a go. I am not sure if you are aware but your comments were discriminatory and it will be interesting to see if they were in breach of the laws that now exist in this country. I will be making a complaint to channel ten and the other avenue open to the public if they are offended by something they watch or see on television. Just recently two American radio personalities on KRXQ Sacramento's Rob, Arnie and dawn show have felt the brunt of the emerging support for transgender people after advocating on the air, violence against transgender children.(Maybe you could google that and learn what can happen) It was absolutely shocking what they were saying and it just added to the ridicule that exists in our world for people who are not hurting anyone, they are just going about their lives doing what they need to do to be happy. Over 15 sponsors pulled their advertising over it and one in particular took note of my campaigning letters and pulled its advertising after realising its gravity. People get bashed and killed by self righteous yobbos who listen to this ridiculing garbage and hear what you say and think "oh its OK to bash these people cause Rove made out they were freaky and weird and worthy of joke status so let me at them." I am a male to female transgender that mentors young transgender people both male to female and female to male, and the latter would be hurt with what you said tonight not to mention the potential danger you have now placed them in.
That person you spoke of was born a woman and now has chosen to live as a man, end of story. Just because your mind is unable to comprehend anything other than your obsession with gay jokes and constantly going on like a man wishing he had a key to his closet is no reason to pick on the ones you wish you had the mind to understand. Go back to the semi intelligent original humour of which you were good at and leave the juvenile crap for all those other uninventive boring idiots that have deluded themselves into thinking they can do good stand up while sitting down. And by the way I am glad that arrogant pig of a man called Gordan was brought down to size considering he so rudely made a point of insulting you on yours. I thought he was an arse and I could see it was almost impossible for you to interview this fool and I was glad to see perfect Karma in action the next week as he too was spotlighted on just what a small man he is and was wonderfully brought down to size and the bollocking he said his mother gave him. Be aware Rove none of us are immune to Karma's ability to bring us all in line, just the heads up mate and remember to say hi to mum for us.
Your former fan,
Robyn W.
I just want to alert you to your offensive discriminatory remarks regarding a transgender person residing in America. I was watching your show tonight and was shocked at your ignorance on this issue and blatant disregard for the damage your words have potentially done to my kind. You made these comments while interviewing that weird guy that acts like he has burned one too many brain cells through substance abuse, and on any other planet he would be given a very snug white jacket, placed in a soft room to reside in until the effects of his disorder went away and he has the hide to make light of my kind and see us as odd and weird, please spare me! How dare you both make fun of this transgender F2M and your words rove were, "thats not a man, that's a bearded freak" I once thought he was vaguely funny as well but even he is resorting to the last whipping horse for white male megalomaniac supremacists, you cant pick on Black, yellow, or brindle, disabilities, gays,,,, god what have you got left!!! or that's right lets flog the last one in the pile, the Transgender's because they are fair game in your minds. Don't get too comfortable it won't be for much longer I assure you. I have always been a fan of you and your show and I think you are very talented but please have a little respect for those in the GLBT community, as we no doubt would make up a great chunk of your viewing and supportive audience. No one is immune to loosing credibility as we all saw with Gordon Ramsey and you are no different, so it is never wise to disregard the effects of what you say on those that enjoy your sense of humour. I think your funny but come on you can do better than make fun of something you clearly do not understand or by the looks care to. Maybe you should concentrate on your unique brand of humour instead of looking for lazy cheap shots at sections of the community that do not need your sarcasm and ignorance packaged up as a laugh at our expense. Hey how would you feel if someone showed little respect for someone close to you or your existence and made fun of it like those vile ABC wankers that think it funny to make fun of children with terminal illnesses. Hey how about you do your self a favour and research what a Transgender is and realise that the person you made fun of has every right to call themselves a man even if he decided to give birth twice. That human action does not eliminate the fact that he is living his life now in the manner he feels makes him happy. When will you lot ever learn that gender is not dictated by two poles of reality and we all in some way fall somewhere in between male and female. None of us are either one or the other in exact proportions and you would be wise to try and go back to the intelligent humour that actually gained respect and laughter from all sections of the community, instead of getting all footy show and cracking cheap ignorant shots at sections of the community that need to be given a go. I am not sure if you are aware but your comments were discriminatory and it will be interesting to see if they were in breach of the laws that now exist in this country. I will be making a complaint to channel ten and the other avenue open to the public if they are offended by something they watch or see on television. Just recently two American radio personalities on KRXQ Sacramento's Rob, Arnie and dawn show have felt the brunt of the emerging support for transgender people after advocating on the air, violence against transgender children.(Maybe you could google that and learn what can happen) It was absolutely shocking what they were saying and it just added to the ridicule that exists in our world for people who are not hurting anyone, they are just going about their lives doing what they need to do to be happy. Over 15 sponsors pulled their advertising over it and one in particular took note of my campaigning letters and pulled its advertising after realising its gravity. People get bashed and killed by self righteous yobbos who listen to this ridiculing garbage and hear what you say and think "oh its OK to bash these people cause Rove made out they were freaky and weird and worthy of joke status so let me at them." I am a male to female transgender that mentors young transgender people both male to female and female to male, and the latter would be hurt with what you said tonight not to mention the potential danger you have now placed them in.
That person you spoke of was born a woman and now has chosen to live as a man, end of story. Just because your mind is unable to comprehend anything other than your obsession with gay jokes and constantly going on like a man wishing he had a key to his closet is no reason to pick on the ones you wish you had the mind to understand. Go back to the semi intelligent original humour of which you were good at and leave the juvenile crap for all those other uninventive boring idiots that have deluded themselves into thinking they can do good stand up while sitting down. And by the way I am glad that arrogant pig of a man called Gordan was brought down to size considering he so rudely made a point of insulting you on yours. I thought he was an arse and I could see it was almost impossible for you to interview this fool and I was glad to see perfect Karma in action the next week as he too was spotlighted on just what a small man he is and was wonderfully brought down to size and the bollocking he said his mother gave him. Be aware Rove none of us are immune to Karma's ability to bring us all in line, just the heads up mate and remember to say hi to mum for us.
Your former fan,
Robyn W.