Strong grip squeezes love force from the heart of the strongest man,
It can break a woman in two.
In the quest to protect soft centres,
Opportunities lost, passing unopened door.
One who comes to teach us,
Knowledge needed.
Jealousy’s worst words spoken,
Infecting the mind with its thoughts.
Blind haze, feelings that destroy from inside,
Slowly losing the one I gave you,
Enslaved, whipped by necessary torments,
Student on punishing course.
A mirror sent,
Enlighten reflection insight.
Looking glass opens the window,
Redemption lets in light.
Heard you were missing in battle,
The news sending bullet to heart.
Soldiers who die for no reason,
Souls lost without guide for the path.
Perhaps I loved for wrong reasons,
Maybe it’s the journey not the end.
Thank you for gifts of good wisdom,
Pleasure I now gain from pain.
Grateful for memories spoken,
Embedded pearls, unlocked.
Liberate past into future,
Deliverance in speaking your name.
Copyright © Robyn Whittaker, 2009.